Foto saya
Our products come from and produce directly by the native to make sure authenticity of all the products. The produts that we provide will be perfect to complete the interior of your home. Making more exquisite elegant but still preserving the traditional of value and its uniqueness. Our product made of special wood and others quality material.

Senin, 03 Januari 2011


Koteka terbuat dari kulit labu air. Isi dan biji labu tua dikeluarkan dan kulitnya dijemur. Ukuran dan bentuk koteka tidak berkaitan dengan status pemakainya. Ukuran biasanya berkaitan dengan aktivitas pengguna, hendak bekerja atau upacara. Koteka yang pendek digunakan saat bekerja, dan yang panjang dengan hiasan-hiasan digunakan dalam upacara adat.

1 komentar:

  1. thank you very much for you product, i am satisfied with the your product , i received it on time, everything perfect,the quality,the delivery,the services and the size of the koteka are fit with my need. i hope we work could together again in the future :)
